Enslave meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enslave
As noun : वशीभूत करना
As verb : अपने वश में करना Ex:  Action to enslave or condition which is slaved दास बना लेना Ex:  It means, figuratively, subjugate, enslave दास बनाना Ex:  Move, enslave
Other : गुलामी Ex:  If enslave the tag उ:   अग्रेजों की गुलामी का दौर था। दासकरण पट्टा
Enslave ki paribhasha : mani, mntr ya aushadh aadi ke dvaara kisi ko apane vash men karane ka prayog
Enslave synonyms
incarcerate suppress deprive coerce shackle imprison subjugate oppress fetter secure subdue reduce restrict enclose circumscribe tether check subject capture chain compel restrain tie dominate enthrall indenture yoke hobble hold confine bind immure jail disenfranchise enchain disfranchise get hooks into keep under thumb put in irons shut in
Enslave antonyms
release loosen liberate permit disconnect emancipate free let go lose unfasten untie expand allow stop
Usage of Enslave in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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