Enterprise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enterprise
As noun : उद्य म Ex:  The enterprise succeeded
उद्यम Ex:  I hope you prosper from your new enterprise . उ:   तब खोसला एक्साइट के उद्यम पूँजीपति थे। उद्योग Ex:  Although the Great Uprising of 1857 had shaken the British enterprise in India उ:   बेंगलूर कन्नड़ फिल्म उद्योग का केंद्र है। गुरण Ex:  Cognitive science is a conjoined enterprise of cognitive psychologists गूरण Ex:  This enterprise does not attempt to redefine natural science गोरण Ex:  Here is a real field for enterprise something simple, profound, German". दौड़धूप Ex:  The Spanish left mining to private enterprise धंधु Ex:  Shiv Nadar and Suhasini are both managers of an enterprise . पुरुषकार Ex:  They manage their enterprise at different levels . भारी काम Ex:  Thus, the total assets of the enterprise are valued at Rs . महान कार्य Ex:  A vast enterprise रोजागार Ex:  Be sure, be assured in an industrial or commercial enterprise of a right of preference विचेष्टित Ex:  He also said a commercial or industrial Fund, amounts that are argued in some enterprise व्यापृति Ex:  It also means Pay a sum on behalf of someone, provide at the expense of some enterprise सन्नहन Ex:  It is also working substantively and designates someone who throughout his life has succeeded in any career, in any enterprise समोहा Ex:  It still means, figuratively, Have the following in some enterprise सम्यक्वृत्त Ex:  Nose down, fail in some enterprise साहसिक कार्य Ex:  Who boldly door to some enterprise
Other : अभिक्रम Ex:  he had doubts about the whole enterprise उपक्रमण Ex:  Ten per cent of the £60,000 budget consisted of commercial enterprise payments कठिन कार्य Ex:  After a successful journalism enterprise साहस Ex:  The success of this enterprise was long uncertain उ:   मंगल वैसे भी ऊर्जा व साहस के साथ महत्वाकांक्षा का कारक है।
Enterprise ki paribhasha : vah maanasik gun ya shakti jisake dvaara manushy yarthasht bal ke abhaav men bhi koi bhaari kaam kar baithata hai ya dradhataapoorvak vipattiyon ya kathinaaiyon aadi ka saamana karata hai kisi kaary ko aarnbh karane ke pahale ka aayojan vah prasannata jo kisi aanevaale sukh ko sochakar hoti hai aur manushy ko kaary men pravratt karati hai
Enterprise synonyms
firm business company trade project program activity operation essay affair stake campaign flier house move crusade proposition endeavor deed concern deal thing engagement plan performance scheme establishment do plunge risk hazard outfit game purpose baby stunt bit effort task attempt happening cause work try bag action speculation pursuit follow through striving ballgame big idea biggie pet project industry force gumption adventurousness dash initiative get-up-and-go daring enthusiasm self-reliance alertness hustle vigor boldness pluck courage ambition spirit readiness zeal drive foresight audacity push eagerness inventiveness venturesomeness
Enterprise antonyms
idleness whole inaction inactivity laziness surrender safety reality entertainment fun pastime abstention apathy indolence passiveness failure certainty surety fact unemployment passivity weakness cowardice indifference lethargy fear meekness humility timidity discouragement disinterest
Usage of Enterprise in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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