Enterprising meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enterprising
As noun : उछाहित Ex:  Green gallant, enterprising man who loves pleasure and women
उत्साही Ex:  industrious man, enterprising उ:   इसी कारण से, वे अपनी भूमिका को दोहराने के बारे में उत्साही बने रहे। तीक्ष्णकर्मा वाजयु
As adjective : आरम्भी Ex:  an enterprising foreign policy उद्यमशील Ex:  It is also said proverbially, Never had it not shameful beautiful friend, In Love must be enterprising उद्यमी Ex:  Pushing its point, Courting a woman show with her enterprising उ:   एक उद्यमी कार्य करने वाला व्यक्ति होना चाहिए। उद्योगी Ex:  substantively, It is a green gallant, wants a lively and enterprising man who loves pleasure and women उपक्रमी Ex:  They are headed by an enterprising उपमन्यु Ex:  , Let him take a walk, it will take four, is said of someone who is enterprising and abusing indulgence, the facility we have for him कर्मशील Ex:  Absolument, An enterprising man, a bold man with women कर्मशूर Ex:  it is an active and enterprising कृतोत्साह प्रोद्यत संरंभी सोद्योग
Other : साहस उ:   गौएँ ले जाने का जो उन्होंने साहस किया वह उचित ही था।
Enterprising ki paribhasha : bali ka putr jo shaap ke kaaran gadha ho gaya tha
Enterprising synonyms
industrious intrepid daring diligent aspiring hardworking dashing ambitious adventurous active aggressive alert audacious bold busy craving driving eager enthusiastic go-ahead hungry hustling keen lively peppy progressive pushing ready snappy spanking spark plug spirited stirring up-and-coming venturesome vigorous yearning zealous zippy advancing coming on strong go-go gumptious hard ball itching lusting self-starting take-over
Enterprising antonyms
inactive lazy lethargic cowardly meek timid passive unimaginative unadventurous unambitious unenthused unresourceful
Usage of Enterprising in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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