Entertain meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Entertain
As noun : अँकना Ex:  Lots of arranagements go underway to entertain the guests during marriage celebration.
अवकर्णन Ex:  Stilts are used by men in the circus to entertain people. आकर्णन Ex:  Young women and girls often entertain at weddings with the Tumbal . उपकर्ण Ex:  Events and a fairground entertain the crowds during the day. छवना Ex:  Tolkien enjoyed inventing fantasy stories to entertain his children. श्रवन Ex:  , There ' There is no good party without next day, when told, having entertained one day, it is proposed to entertain even the next day संश्रव सुनना
As verb : आमोदित करना Ex:  Corea's elephants are also used to entertain tourists and haul logs. खातिर करना Ex:  Did these fictions entertain ग्रहन करना Ex:  Television genres include a broad range of programming types that entertain चित्त प्रसन्न करना Ex:  1942. Hollywood's most important stars volunteered to entertain servicemen. टिकाना Ex:  Ingrid Bergman went to Alaska during World War II in order to entertain troops. ध्यन देना Ex:  Antique One said of him that business was to sit at the table of a rich and entertain during the meal नगरादि, सन्निवेश Ex:  Cabaret suburb or suburbs, where the common people love to entertain holidays बसाना Ex:  Do not entertain superior, master, not having point higher, master, or pretend to have none, and not want to obey बात चीत में लगाना Ex:  In terms of procedure, From those papers, he must entertain those watching such sequence मंनना ‡ Ex:  It is said of objects that serve to entertain children मन में धारण करना Ex:  It means extending away by the spirit of what the fatigue or obsesses; fun, entertain मन में लाना Ex:  It still means Spend time pleasantly, entertain मनोर्ंअजन करना Ex:  Of this, we must entertain as मनोर्ंजन करना Ex:  This is a man who receives well the world who knows how to entertain his world मानना Ex:  To give full freedom of movement to relax, entertain उ:   लेकिन ज्यादातर लोगों का मानना है कि यह १४ वीं सदी में बसा था। विचार करना Ex:  We have enough to live, what we entertain सत्कार करना सनमानना० सनमानना० सुवागत करना सुविचार करना स्वागत उ:   स्वागत समिति ने इसे मान लिया।
Other : मनोरंजन करना Ex:  It worked too, will entertain the
Entertain ki paribhasha : kisi prakaar ka nirnay karake parinaam nikaalane ya bhavitavy ko jaanane ke liye buddhi ka upayog karana kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana su arthaat sundar ya vidhisnmat upaayon se praapt doosare ke haath se apane haath men karana rahane ke liye jagah dena shravanondriy ke dvaara shabd ka gyaan praapt karana kisi ko poojya, aadaraniy ya yogy samajhana
Entertain synonyms
satisfy gratify inspire enthrall relax captivate comfort please beguile distract delight cheer charm regale tickle elate solace slay enliven absorb recreate pique engross occupy grab interest indulge gladden humor divert stimulate inspirit crack up ecstasize knock dead make merry feed dine invite welcome treat nourish room harbor house chaperone receive admit foster board lodge quarter put up wine and dine be host do the honors give a party have a do have a get-together have company have guests have visitors pick up the check pop for show hospitality spring for throw a party contemplate ponder cherish consider deliberate recognize conceive maintain heed imagine hold support cogitate on keep in mind muse over think over
Entertain antonyms
anger disappoint dissuade frustrate annoy offend pain worry distress displease tire refuse reject disregard upset disturb discourage turn off repel repulse irritate trouble depress bore not use turn away forget ignore neglect leave condemn discard disapprove misunderstand desert release abandon let go
Usage of Entertain in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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