Entertainment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Entertainment
As noun : आवभगत Ex:  Please line somebody up for the entertainment . उ:   कोई आवभगत उनके लिए नहीं।
ज्योनार Ex:  Both players were represented by an entertainment lawyer तमाशा Ex:  Classical music and entertainment was aired उ:   तमाशा के शुरू होते ही सबसे पहले भगवान गणेश की वंदना की जाती है। तमास Ex:  As a form of multimedia entertainment नाचकूद Ex:  With very little in the way of entertainment मनोरंजन Ex:  Domingo joins several other preeminent figures in entertainment उ:   आज वह मनोरंजन के साधन से बढ़कर कुछ नहीं। मनोरंजनआदर Ex:  Other transitional works were preserved as popular entertainment मनोरजंन Ex:  There are numerous bars and nightclubs which also offer live entertainment मनोर्ंजन Ex:  Popular entertainment genres include action-oriented shows such as police मनोविनोद Ex:  The least expensive forms of entertainment programming are game shows
Other : आतिथ्य सत्कार Ex:  voyeur may be punished for enforcing sexual act for entertainment खेल कूद Ex:  His working life in entertainment spanned over 65 years पहुनाई Ex:  Rio de Janeiro have a great entertainment organizations. बहलाव Ex:  Black musicians provided "low-class" entertainment at dances रंजन Ex:  It functions as a residential, shopping and entertainment district.
Entertainment ki paribhasha : vah vyaapaara, ghatana ya baat aadi jisaki vilakshanata aadi ke kaaran chitt ka vinod aur manornjan ho mel ya sadabhaav hona man ko prasann karane ki kriya ya bhaav vah ddashy jise dekhane se manornjan ho
Entertainment synonyms
picnic satisfaction gaiety pastime sport celebration treat party frolic play ball merrymaking enjoyment surprise recreation delight game relaxation dissipation spree blast bash distraction merriment feast diversion shindig cheer relief fun revelry big time high time clambake laughs grins blow out divertissement fun and games good time leisure activity lots of laughs regalement wingding
Entertainment antonyms
dissatisfaction sadness task vocation sorrow melancholy chore drudgery need unhappiness want profession work seriousness misery labor depression pain gloom
Usage of Entertainment in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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