Enthusiasm meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्षमद Ex: One should have enthusiasm towards ones work.
अति श्रद्धा Ex: He is sparkling with enthusiasm all day and night. उछावा Ex: Their enthusiasm has toned down since their offer was turned down. उजरंग Ex: In France, Charles Kemble initiated an enthusiasm for Shakespeare उत्साह Ex: But the previous enthusiasm has been shattered उ: इस उद्योग मे काफी उत्साह दिखायी देता है। उलाह Ex: The two displayed much enthusiasm over Shyamalan's decision for the adaptation चूँप Ex: There was popular enthusiasm for Primakov as well. जोशिश Ex: His comments were greeted with enthusiasm by the crowd परिश्रृत Ex: Despite his enthusiasm for music, his parents expected him to become a lawyer. प्रोत्साहकता Ex: His enthusiasm convinced Swanson to participate मुस्तैदी Ex: Initial enthusiasm for the proposed musical soon waned सत्वोद्रेक Ex: With his personal connections and enthusiasm for Rodin's art समुत्साह Ex: Encouraged by the enthusiasm of British artists सरभ Ex: The theatre house had never seen such enthusiasm in applause. हुब Ex: A frenetic enthusiasm हुमंक Ex: figuratively, means REMOVE enthusiasm Transporter
Other : आग्रह Ex: the waning of his enthusiasm was obvious उ: देवताओं के आग्रह पर ऋषि ने उस झील को अपने तप के बल से रिक्त कर दिया। उछाह Ex: She comes to the job with great enthusiasm . उ: ;सहज ब्याह उछाह ,सहज मण्डप ,सहज यमुना के कूलहू। गरमी Ex: Mozart developed an enthusiasm for violin concertos उ: ऐसे क्रेनों को चलानेवाले गरमी और धुएँ से भी बचे रहते हैं। चोंप Ex: A renewed enthusiasm led to the founding of new religious orders चोप Ex: The scheme was received with patriotic enthusiasm in Sweden सर Ex: Queen Victoria demonstrated her enthusiasm by requesting उ: इस प्राचीन इमारत को सर डेविड ऑक्टरलोनी ने १८१८ ई. में बनवाया था।
Enthusiasm ki paribhasha : kisi taral padaarth ka aaanch ya garami ke kaaran ubalana kisi kaary men vilnb na sahakar usamen tatpar hona vah prasannata jo kisi aanevaale sukh ko sochakar hoti hai aur manushy ko kaary men pravratt karati hai
ExamplesEnthusiasm synonyms
emotion eagerness zeal joy energy warmth fury intensity passion fervor ardor frenzy feeling spirit devotion nerve keenness fad vim dash ecstasy rapture go transport flare pep earnestness vehemence craze snap hobby hilarity fanaticism life fever zest fire heat mania orgasm relish oomph glow conviction avidity joyfulness verve gaiety exhilaration flame activity mirth ã©lan impetuosity vivacity fieriness red heat ardency zealousness Enthusiasm antonyms
apathy indifference lethargy inactivity laziness calm calmness coolness lifelessness dislike hate hatred frigidity sadness aloofness coldness doubt pessimism disinterest peace dullness unhappiness depression weariness Usage of Enthusiasm in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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