Enticement meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Enticement
As noun : परिलोभन
प्रलोभन उ:   इसमें विषयों के प्रलोभन में न पड़कर जागरूक रहने का उपदेश है। बहकाव
Enticement ki paribhasha : striyon ki vah cheshta jisase purushon ka chitt aakarshit hota hai bachchon ki shaant rakhane ke liye kisi prakaar unaka koi padaartha, visheshataः dhan aadi praapt karane ki itani adhik aur aisi kaamana jo kuchh bhaddi aur bedhngi ho kisi vastu ka doosari vastu ke paas usaki shakti ya prerana se laaya jaana kisi ko kisi or pravratt karane ke liye use laabh ki aasha dene ka kaam
Enticement synonyms
come-on bait inducement temptation fascination decoy seduction attraction promise trap blandishment snare inveiglement sweetener sweetening coaxing mousetrap cajolery come hither
Enticement antonyms
repulsion disgust dissuasion
Usage of Enticement in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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