Entirety meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Entirety
As noun : अशेषता Ex:  Nunavut encompasses the entirety of the old District of Keewatin
पूरे के पूरे Ex:  The Parliament also gains greater powers over the entirety of the EU budget संपूर्णता Ex:  It ultimately adopted the reforms of the PRC in their entirety as official संपूर्णत्व Ex:  Putting things in their entirety समग्रता Ex:  REDUCE Resolve also means one thing into another, to change the figure, the condition of a body Reduce a body in its entirety उ:   शैली की समग्रता उनकी अलग विशेषता है। सम्पूर्णता Ex:  The Pantheon remains in its entirety in Rome उ:   यह गाँव एकता विविधता एवं सम्पूर्णता का प्रतीक है। सामग्य स‌ंपूर्ण
Other : साकल्य Ex:  This passage is reported in its entirety in Such a book
Entirety ki paribhasha : jitane hon, ve kul
Entirety synonyms
gross completeness fullness plenitude sum oneness unity complex perfection totality aggregate integrity ensemble all everything sum total absoluteness integrality universality comprehensiveness intactness entireness allness collectiveness collectivity omneity omnitude the works undividedness whole ball of wax whole bit whole enchilada whole nine yards
Entirety antonyms
partiality section incompleteness fraction
Usage of Entirety in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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