Entitle meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Entitle
As verb :
अधिकार देना Ex:  entitle an act अधिकारी करना Ex:  In terms of jurisprudence, it means to Title the preference right that the quality of the claims entitle a creditor to be preferred to other creditors, even mortgage आगमधारी होना उपाधि देना नाम रखना पात्र बनाना स्वत्वधारी होना हक होना हकदार बनाना
Other : नाम देना पात्र होना हकदार उ:   सन १९५१ में, पॉलिंग "आण्विक चिकित्सा " के हकदार पर एक व्याख्यान दिया।
Entitle ki paribhasha : vah kaashtakaar jisaka apani jamin par mauroosi hak hota hai vah jisake snyog se koi vastu or ki aur athava kisi vishesh roop men dikhaayi de vah shabd ya vaaky jo vishay ke parichay ke liye kisi lekh ya prabndh ke oopar likha jaay
Entitle synonyms
designate style denominate title dub term characterize call baptize nickname christen subtitle authorize enable empower allow permit warrant rate let enfranchise license accredit be in line for confer a right fit for have coming make eligible qualify for
Entitle antonyms
deny reject disallow refuse
Usage of Entitle in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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