Entitled meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Entitled
As noun : अधिकारी Ex:  She entered inthe contract with a provision that beside the salary she would also be entitled to get 5% profit. उ:   उनके पिता राजस्व अधिकारी थे और कुटुम्ब बड़ा था।
अमलदार Ex:  Other actors in the movie entitled include Derek Jacobi अर्ह्य Ex:  True Hollywood Story documentary entitled The Curse of the Little Rascals. ओधायत Ex:  The Philadelphia Museum of Art presented an exhibition entitled ओधे Ex:  All residents entitled to drive must hold a photo driving licence. मंतु Ex:  64.4% of students in the city are entitled to matriculation मुस्तहक Ex:  In 1999 George W. Bush published a book entitled A Charge to Keep हट्टाध्यक्ष Ex:  These modules, entitled "Who Watches the Watchmen?
As verb : उपाधियुक्त Ex:  When an individual was entitled to use multiple post-nominal letters नामक Ex:  Originally entitled Beethoven's Birthday: A Celebration in Vienna उ:   पहले यहां मयुरध्वज नामक राजा का शासन था। हक़दार Ex:  In 1911, Kilmer's first book of verse, entitled Summer of Love was published.
Other : हकदार Ex:  A Cuban film entitled Madagascar was made in 1994 उ:   यही कारण है कि खोज को वह प्रसिद्धि नहीं मिली जिसकी वह हकदार थी।
Entitled ki paribhasha : vah kaashtakaar jisaka apani jamin par mauroosi hak hota hai
Entitled synonyms
designate style denominate title dub term characterize call baptize nickname christen subtitle authorize enable empower allow permit warrant rate let enfranchise license accredit be in line for confer a right fit for have coming make eligible qualify for
Entitled antonyms
deny reject disallow refuse
Usage of Entitled in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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