Entourage meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुगामी Ex: Although the Tsar and his immediate entourage pushed hard for a battle उ: एक संरचना जो मापन और परिणामों में सुधार की अनुगामी है।
अनुयोयी Ex: Napoleon set out with his entourage to review the forward positions. परिचारक गण Ex: 1554. Along with their entourage परिजन Ex: Richard has the young King's entourage arrested and executed उ: इस कार्य में परिजन उसका सहयोग करें। फालावर Ex: entourage मुरीद Ex: His entourage at night reputation वहीर Ex: It is prey to the rapacity of his entourage वातावरण Ex: They say instead: by his entourage उ: आज हमारा वातावरण दूषित हो गया है। संघट्टी Ex: En termes de Joaillerie, il désigne un Diamant monté seul, sans entourage
Entourage ki paribhasha : nadi ya pahaad ke aas paas ki bhoomi veshyaaon ya bhaaandon aadi ke saath rahakar saarngi, tabalaa, manjira aadi bajaane ka kaam prathvi ke chaaron or rahanevaali vaayu jain siddhaant ke anusaar kshayopashamanimitt avadhigyaan ke chhah bhedon men pratham sada saath rahanevaale sevak
ExamplesEntourage synonyms
retinue court escort cortege company train following suite staff attendants hangers-on companions sycophants toadies courtiers retainers associates groupies Entourage antonyms
leader Usage of Entourage in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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