Entrusted meaning in hindi
Other : अर्पित Ex:  The Barlas were taken from Timur and entrusted to a son of Tughluk उ: 'मातृभूमि! तेरे चरणों में पहले ही मैं अपना मन अर्पित कर चुका हूँ।
न्यस्त Ex:  Phillip entrusted Alexander with the left wing of his army सुपुर्द Ex:  He was entrusted with the power of peace and war. उ: चॅक को व्यक्तिगत बैठक में सुपुर्द करना होगा या डाक से भेजना होगा। सौंपा गया Ex:  Execution of the plan was entrusted to arms minister Albert Speer
ExamplesUsage of Entrusted in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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