Equal meaning in hindi
As noun : एक टक्कर का होना Ex: clans are strictly exogamous and are equal in social status.
एकसा होना Ex: Figure of six equal sides is called "Regular Hexagon". की बराबरी करना Ex: When the number of electrons and the number of protons are equal के बराबर होना Ex: Tezcatlipoca, and make them equal and enemies. तुल्य समकक्ष Ex: 999. does or does not equal 1 सक्षम Ex: In a natural state all people were equal and independent उ: तृतीय, यह युद्धों को भी टालने में सक्षम है। समकक्ष Ex: If f is equal to its Taylor series in a neighborhood of a उ: आजकल के कानूनगों को उसका समकक्ष कहा जा सकता है। समता करना Ex: If f is equal to its Taylor series everywhere it is called entire. समान बराबर Ex: If the result is still equal
As adjective : अनरुअ Ex: To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. अनुयोयी Ex: Break it into equal fractions. अनुरुपना Ex: A cube has six equal square sides अनुहरत Ex: Sita fought the election under the banner of equal rights. अनुहारि Ex: The prices of the immoveble properties have almost doubled in a that duration
Double the paper twice and you get four equal sheets of it
The sofa doubles as a bed at night अस Ex: he match was scoredraw because both the teams get equal points. इकरस Ex: All are equal before the Almighty. इकसारपु Ex: Three plus two is equal to five. ईंढ Ex: the growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure एकजीव Ex: All citizens should have equal rights in a nation. एकरंग Ex: Figure of eight sides whose all sides are equal is called "Regular Octagon". एकरस Ex: Figure having five equal sides is called "Regular Pantagon". उ: शाश्वतवाद के अनुसार आत्मा नित्य, कूटस्थ और एकरस है। करीन Ex: An isosceles triangle has two sides equal in length. छौँह, छौँहा Ex: Solutions equal to or stronger than 1.5 M should be labeled CORROSIVE तद्रूप Ex: By mid-October, both sides had roughly an equal number of troops on the island. तुल्यकत्क्ष Ex: While each language is technically equal to every other तुल्यजातीय Ex: In 1953, Greenland was made an equal part of the Danish Kingdom नाईँ Ex: The House and Senate are equal partners in the legislative process निमन Ex: Of equal importance was the failure of three engines during flight. नीकाश Ex: France and Italy and approximately equal to the EU average. प्रतिम Ex: English and French have equal status in federal courts प्रसन्नकल्प Ex: Albinism usually occurs with equal frequency in both genders. लौँ Ex: Tsentralnoye, and Khvalynskoye - on an equal basis. विषु Ex: All other factors being equal सँवाँ Ex: Z, is equal to the number of protons which defines the element. सजनपद Ex: Adi Shankara gave equal importance to the personal experience of the student. सद्दश Ex: 'both Russian and Ukrainian in equal measure': 32% सधर्म, सधर्मक Ex: When the two angles are equal समतूल Ex: An equal mix of the two had no polarizing effect on light. समसरि Ex: Even some today consider him equal समस्थ Ex: Narayana have not gained an equal or greater status than Ekam. समान Ex: Although the numbers on each side were about equal उ: यह ऊटी और कून्नूर के समान प्रसिद्ध नहीं है। सरीस Ex: Liberals in general support equal opportunity सरुप Ex: Women lack equal opportunities in education and training सविध Ex: English and French have equal status in federal courts सानक Ex: Its 173 member states do not have equal voting rights . सारखा Ex: A body is denser than another if in an equal volume, it contains more material सारीख, सारीखा Ex: A good area equal सिरखी Ex: Administration of equality, equal सै ‡ Ex: All things being equal सोँ ‡ Ex: All things being equal हमतोल Ex: borrowed from the Greek particle, which means equal हमपल्ला Ex: Both of these scoundrels are equal
Double the paper twice and you get four equal sheets of it
The sofa doubles as a bed at night अस Ex: he match was scoredraw because both the teams get equal points. इकरस Ex: All are equal before the Almighty. इकसारपु Ex: Three plus two is equal to five. ईंढ Ex: the growing medium should be equal parts of sand and loam with an admixture of peat moss and cow manure एकजीव Ex: All citizens should have equal rights in a nation. एकरंग Ex: Figure of eight sides whose all sides are equal is called "Regular Octagon". एकरस Ex: Figure having five equal sides is called "Regular Pantagon". उ: शाश्वतवाद के अनुसार आत्मा नित्य, कूटस्थ और एकरस है। करीन Ex: An isosceles triangle has two sides equal in length. छौँह, छौँहा Ex: Solutions equal to or stronger than 1.5 M should be labeled CORROSIVE तद्रूप Ex: By mid-October, both sides had roughly an equal number of troops on the island. तुल्यकत्क्ष Ex: While each language is technically equal to every other तुल्यजातीय Ex: In 1953, Greenland was made an equal part of the Danish Kingdom नाईँ Ex: The House and Senate are equal partners in the legislative process निमन Ex: Of equal importance was the failure of three engines during flight. नीकाश Ex: France and Italy and approximately equal to the EU average. प्रतिम Ex: English and French have equal status in federal courts प्रसन्नकल्प Ex: Albinism usually occurs with equal frequency in both genders. लौँ Ex: Tsentralnoye, and Khvalynskoye - on an equal basis. विषु Ex: All other factors being equal सँवाँ Ex: Z, is equal to the number of protons which defines the element. सजनपद Ex: Adi Shankara gave equal importance to the personal experience of the student. सद्दश Ex: 'both Russian and Ukrainian in equal measure': 32% सधर्म, सधर्मक Ex: When the two angles are equal समतूल Ex: An equal mix of the two had no polarizing effect on light. समसरि Ex: Even some today consider him equal समस्थ Ex: Narayana have not gained an equal or greater status than Ekam. समान Ex: Although the numbers on each side were about equal उ: यह ऊटी और कून्नूर के समान प्रसिद्ध नहीं है। सरीस Ex: Liberals in general support equal opportunity सरुप Ex: Women lack equal opportunities in education and training सविध Ex: English and French have equal status in federal courts सानक Ex: Its 173 member states do not have equal voting rights . सारखा Ex: A body is denser than another if in an equal volume, it contains more material सारीख, सारीखा Ex: A good area equal सिरखी Ex: Administration of equality, equal सै ‡ Ex: All things being equal सोँ ‡ Ex: All things being equal हमतोल Ex: borrowed from the Greek particle, which means equal हमपल्ला Ex: Both of these scoundrels are equal
Other : जवाब Ex: Srok is a Mon-Khmer word roughly equal to prâteh but less formal. उ: छत्तीसगढ़ की खूबसूरती का जवाब नहीं है। पटतर Ex: Membership is therefore based on the equal representation of each state बराबर होना Ex: Pepper was an attempt to equal Pet Sounds". बराबर Ex: "I firmly believe there does not exist her equal in the world. उ: दस लिख्या बराबर होते हैं एक यूक के। सम Ex: The area of each constructed sector is therefore equal to . उ: इसे अर्द्ध सम मात्रिक छंंद कहते हैं । सरिस Ex: The Speaker's salary is equal to that of a Cabinet Minister. सानी Ex: For this you don't need just an equal right to vote . उ: और खाने के अंत में विश्व-प्रसिद्ध लखनऊ के पान जिनका कोई सानी नहीं है। से Ex: All men are equal before God उ: यह १५५६ से १६४८ तक मुगल साम्राज्य की राजधानी रहा। हम Ex: at even strength, at equal strength, equal force, forces, forces are assumed equal on the other उ: हम दबाव से अनुशासन नहीं सीख सकते । हमसर Ex: By extension, equal conditions
Equal ki paribhasha : maana, maatraa, snkhyaa, guna, mahatva, moolya, aadi ke vichaar se samaan jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa vah raashi jo sam snkhya par pade kisi kaam men lagaaye jaane ke upayukt sharir ke antargat paaanch vaayuon men se ek vaayu jisaka sthaan naabhi maana gaya hai
ExamplesEqual synonyms
identical comparable corresponding equivalent proportionate balanced commensurate correspondent level egalitarian double invariable look-alike same matching duplicate coordinate uniform parallel matched break even homologous indistinguishable tantamount unvarying according evenly matched fifty-fifty one and the same same difference spit and image stack up with to the same degree two peas in pod impartial objective nonpartisan dispassionate equable even-handed just unprejudiced nondiscriminatory uncolored without distinction competitor rival complement companion counterpart twin mate likeness copy compeer alter ego coequal compare amount to reach comprise equipoise emulate tally equate equalize meet touch tie approach agree come up to consist of be commensurate be identical be level be tantamount equiponderate keep pace with live up to measure up partake of rank with rise to run abreast square with Equal antonyms
dissimilar unlike changing variable inconsistent divergent unmatched varying biased disproportionate unfair unjust different unequal mismatched not alike unequitable partial prejudiced opposite inferior original difference disconnect fail separate disagree imbalance Usage of Equal in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun, verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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