Equality meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Equality
As noun : अनुरुपता Ex:  Indians beleive in liberty, equality and fraternity.
इल्तिबास Ex:  All political systems are based on the notions of liberty, equality and fraternity. उनहारि Ex:  Women in a male dominated society have been struggling for equality of the sexes. तमसील Ex:  The Communists also promised equality and social justice. पटंभर ‡ Ex:  If there is an equality of votes पतिपक्ष Ex:  Number systems in which the equality fails can be constructed सद्दशता Ex:  What more social equality can you have than that? समसरि Ex:  The study of law raises important questions about equality समानता Ex:  The district court found substantial equality as to all such factors. उ:   मुख्य बातों पर निकायों और आगामों में समानता है।
Other : बराबरी Ex:  If there is an equality of votes उ:   उम्र में बराबरी ना होने पर भी दोनों अच्छे दोस्त बनते हैं। समता Ex:  If there is an equality of votes, the Speaker has a casting vote. उ:   सामान्य या समता के न्यायालय में रहती थी। साम्य Ex:  He said again, in terms of algebra, an equation or equality Species whose two members are identically the same, what may be the values attributed to the letters that make up the equation उ:   वे भगवान शिव के भक्त थे और चार तमिल साम्य अचार्यो मे से एक है। हमसरी Ex:  In terms of geometry, regularity in a figure, The equality of all sides and all angles of a figure
Equality ki paribhasha : drashtikon ki samaanata ya ekata saadhaaran hone ka bhaav
Usage of Equality in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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