Equipped meaning in hindi
As noun : हथियारों से लैस Ex:  Herodotus has "the Armenians were equipped like Phrygians
As verb :
साज सामान सहित Ex:  It was the first Mini to be equipped with a tachometer.
As adjective : सुसज्ज Ex:  All stations are equipped with restrooms and payphones
Other : सज्जित Ex:  All submarines are equipped with airlock. सन्नद्ध Ex:  All desks are equipped with microphones
ExamplesEquipped synonyms
furnished clothed supplied armed completed appointed set up dressed rigged provided harnessed decked accoutered arrayed assembled bedecked implemented appareled readied Equipped antonyms
stripped bare unfurnished Usage of Equipped in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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