Equivalence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Equivalence
As noun : अनुरुपता Ex:  The Hindu religion gives moral equivalence to the suffering of animals and human beings.
इल्तिबास Ex:  It also yields the equivalence of matter and energy उनहारि Ex:  General relativity offers an equivalence between space-time and mass तमसील Ex:  The mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc² तुल्यता Ex:  Mass–energy equivalence says that when a body has a mass पटंभर ‡ Ex:  Charts map equivalence classes to points of a single patch. पतिपक्ष पर्यायत्व प्रतिसंकाश सद्दशता सद्दशता समकक्षा समभाव उ:   कमल भारत की सर्वधर्म समभाव की संस्कृति को दर्शाता है। समसरि समानता उ:   समानता और समरूपता में अंतर है। समानार्थकता सरबर हमसरी
Other : पटतर Ex:  equivalence of forces समतुल्यता उ:   द्रव्यमान-ऊर्जा समतुल्यता विशिष्ट आपेक्षिकता का एक परिणाम है।
Equivalence ki paribhasha : saadhaaran hone ka bhaav
Equivalence synonyms
correspondence par likeness parity synonym agreement compatibility alikeness evenness correlation equality match conformity parallel identity interchangeableness exchangeability interchangeability synonymy adequation
Equivalence antonyms
dissimilarity imbalance inequality unlikeness difference disagreement
Usage of Equivalence in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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