Equivocal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Equivocal
As adjective : अनिश्चित Ex:  She tried to give an equivocal answer. उ:   यह कब और कैसे इस क्षेत्र में आई, यह अभी तक अनिश्चित है।
अनेकार्थक Ex:  Echo may be performed in equivocal cases by the on-call cardiologist. उ:   इनमें अनेक शब्द अनेकार्थक भी हैं। अप्रतीयमान Ex:  ambiguous, equivocal Lyrics अविश्वसनीय Ex:  equivocal conduct उ:   इसका एक कारण इस उपन्यास की अविश्वसनीय कथा भी है। अस्पष्टार्थ Ex:  equivocal Merit इतिकथ Ex:  Expression equivocal द्वंद्वभूत Ex:  It continually equivocal द्वयर्थक Ex:  It is also said equivocal or ambiguous Password द्वयार्थ Ex:  One way ambiguous, equivocal द्वयार्थी Ex:  Reputation equivocal द्वि अर्थक Ex:  This process, this conduct, these speeches are not clear, this process, this conduct, these speeches are equivocal बतछुट Ex:  User equivocal विचरित Ex:  Vertu equivocal श्लेषात्मक Ex:  , under average woman, woman suspicious behavior, an equivocal reputation संकसुक Ex:  Action equivocal संदिग्धार्थ संदिग्धार्थक संशयापन्न संशयोपेत संशायित ससंशय
Other : गोलमटोल Ex:  Having someone with an explanation, the give notice to explain words or equivocal acts श्लिष्ट Ex:  Word term equivocal word संदिग्ध उ:   वह रात में बहुत सारे धन के साथ संदिग्ध अवस्था में कहीं जा रहा था।
Equivocal ki paribhasha : haaki, phutabaal aadi khelon men vah sthaan jahaaan gend pahuancha dene se virodhi paksh ki jit ho jaati hai
Equivocal synonyms
ambiguous muddled unclear puzzling dubious evasive vague ambivalent borderline disreputable fishy fuzzy hazy indefinite indeterminate indistinct misleading oblique obscure open problematic questionable suspect suspicious tenebrous undecided unintelligible clouded amphibological clear as mud muzzy unexplicit with mixed feelings
Equivocal antonyms
determined obvious unequivocal unquestionable clear definite certain sure plain
Usage of Equivocal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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