Erect meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Erect
As noun : निर्माण करना Ex:  Dresser, elevate, erect a Trophy
As verb :
खड़ा करना Ex:  Dinosaurs stood erect in a manner similar to most modern mammals परिनिर्माण करना Ex:  Dresser, elevate, erect statues परिनिर्मित करना Ex:  erect a bishopric बनाना या खडा करना Ex:  erect a bishopric in archdiocese लम्बवत्त Ex:  erect a cathedral church in
As adjective : सीधा खडा Ex:  erect a statue to a great man
Other : उठा हुआ Ex:  Mr. A.K. Singh used to keep an erect posture at all times. ऊंचा Ex:  The campaign to erect the statue was started in 2000 by the late Donald Woods उ:   धर्मराज रथ सबसे ऊंचा है। ऊर्ध्व Ex:  The campaign to erect a permanent memorial to Martin Luther King, Jr. उ:   जहाँ ऊर्ध्व रेखाएं इसके निरपेक्ष मान निरुपित करती हैं। खडा Ex:  Action to erect खड़ा Ex:  châtellenie erect a marquisate सतर Ex:  erect a state kingdom सीधा Ex:  erect a statue to someone उ:   मेरुदण्ड सहित कमर से ऊपरी भाग को पूर्णतया सीधा रखें।
Erect ki paribhasha : pnjaab men khela jaanevaala lukan michi naamak khel nichi sthiti se ooanchi sthiti men karana anaaj jo braahman ya purohit aadi ko bhojanaarth diya jaata hai
Erect synonyms
standing firm raised vertical elevated upright perpendicular rigid stiff upstanding cocked arrect erectile organize put up set up create construct initiate hoist assemble found mount fashion frame shape pitch compose make upraise forge manufacture plant form effect produce heighten rear join institute fabricate lift bring about make up put together throw up uprear prefabricate cobble up fit together fudge together knock together run up stand up throw together
Erect antonyms
lowered prone prostrate destroy ruin demolish raze decrease ignore demote distress prevent topple drop conclude finish neglect end fall depress upset halt stop fail break
Usage of Erect in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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