Erode meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Erode
As noun : खत्म करना
As verb : अपरदन करना Ex:  A glacier may also erode its environment through katabatic winds. कट जाना Ex:  Libyan control began to erode as a rival dynasty arose in Leontopolis काट देना Ex:  It says figuratively a person who lets operate and erode क्षय हो जाना या कट जाना घट जाना चाट जाना धीरे धीरे नष्ट कर जाना
Erode ki paribhasha : kisi dhaaradaar chij ki daab ya ragad se do tukade karana
Erode synonyms
destroy corrode gnaw consume disintegrate bite crumble scour spoil waste eat abrade wear down grind down
Erode antonyms
ignore preserve construct build neglect fix rebuild
Usage of Erode in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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