Erosion meaning in hindi
As noun : अपक्षरण Ex: Geological erosion brings down tons of soil from the mountains to be deposited in the plains. उ: इस अवस्था में नदियाँ बलहींन होती हैं और अपक्षरण की क्षमता नहीं रखतीं।
अपक्षारण Ex: hydraulic erosion अपरदन Ex: coastal erosion उ: इससे मृदा के अपरदन में वृद्धि होती है। कटाव Ex: The low speed helps prevent erosion of the canal banks by ship's wakes. उ: इसी बीच कटाव की क्रिया संपन्न होता है। काप Ex: Floods and massive erosion are common results of deforestation. घिसाव Ex: Due to bank erosion the water gets a rusty-tan colour from the soil. भू क्षरण Ex: Minimal beach erosion was reported. भूक्षरण Ex: The rate of glacier erosion is variable.
Other : कटन Ex: torrential erosion काट Ex: While logging in the area was required for construction which adds to erosion उ: इनके अनुदिश तेज चाकू या ब्लेड से काट कर इस क्षेत्र को अलग कर ले। क्षरण Ex: The cyclone also caused major erosion on several islets of all three atolls उ: चिकनी सतह पर होने वाले क्षरण के तीन प्रकार होते हैं।
Erosion ki paribhasha : vah mail ya talachhat jo tel ke paatr men niche jam jaati hai chhadashaastraanusaar ek gan ka naam jisake aadi ka varn guru aur shesh do laghu? hote hain kaatakar banaaye hue bel boote
ExamplesErosion synonyms
disintegration corrosion decrease destruction despoliation consumption abrasion attrition spoiling desedimentation eating away grinding down washing away wearing down Erosion antonyms
building construction rebuilding strengthening Usage of Erosion in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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