Erratic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Erratic
As noun : अधृति Ex:  It maddens her that she could not make the trip.
It maddens me to see his erratic behaviour.
अभिलुलित Ex:  Cash sometimes spoke of his erratic अस्थिर Ex:  As the years went on, Amin became increasingly erratic and outspoken. उ:   टीम का अस्थिर प्रदर्शन जारी रहा। आचंचल Ex:  Skeffington was erratic and out-of-character. आनोजानी Ex:  Inconsistencies in his testimony and his erratic behavior on the stand उल्लल Ex:  In terms of geology, erratic blocks, stones or rocks fallen from the mountains to the surface of a glacier and transported by the movement of the glacier at a distance from their point of origin चलचलिय Ex:  In terms of medicine, erratic pain, pain which can scarcely locate चलचाल डँवाडोल डाँवाडोल तारल दावाँदोल बिचल बिस्थीरु विसंष्ठुल
As adjective : अनियमित Ex:  Destpite his erratic behaviour she has been maintianing her friendship with him. उ:   अनियमित शिक्षा को अनौपचारिक शिक्षा कहा जाता है। अनिश्चित Ex:  His account is colorful but his work is considered erratic and exaggerated. उ:   सतसई की रचना का काल अनिश्चित है। अप्रतीयमान Ex:  Friends joked about his "nervousness" and erratic behavior द्वंद्वभूत भ्रमणकारी विचरित विचल संकसुक संशयापन्न संशयोपेत संशायित ससंशय
Other : असंतुलित Ex:  "this type of erratic motion is not unusual for intensifying major hurricanes". उदभ्रांन Ex:  In terms of geology, erratic blocks डावांडोल पथभ्रांत भूला हुआ विचर सस्खलित स्फूर्छित
Erratic ki paribhasha : pratigya ya snkalp se hata hua
Erratic synonyms
whimsical unusual volatile uncertain irregular wayward mercurial arbitrary abnormal capricious unstable inconsistent eccentric unreliable bizarre weird aberrant anomalous changeable desultory devious dicey dubious fitful flaky idiosyncratic iffy incalculable inconstant meandering nomadic oddball peculiar planetary rambling roving spasmodic strange stray unnatural variable directionless fluctuant shifting undirected vagarious
Erratic antonyms
sensible standard usual stable steadfast unchanging dependable predictable reliable reasonable common normal regular calm steady certain consistent definite sure
Usage of Erratic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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