Essence meaning in hindi
As noun : अँतर Ex: The principle of karma is the essence of many religions like Hinduism ,
The idea of karma took birth in India.
अर्क Ex: The poet captured the essence of Spring in his poetry. उ: अर्क का इस्तेमाल बहुत से अन्य जीव भी करते हैं। आत्मता Ex: Add vanilla essence in the cake mix इत्र Ex: An older view was that essence precedes existence उ: यहाँ हथकरघा तथा इत्र उद्योग भी है। घोलुवा Ex: One of Pythagoras' beliefs was that the essence of being is number. चित्रभानु Ex: The is described as the essence of the Vedas. तत्व या गुण Ex: They are in essence mere technicians. तेरिज Ex: Paxton further defines fascism's essence as:. दिवामणि Ex: Aristotle, following Plato, defined the soul as the core essence of a being परिमल Ex: This expresses in essence the Buddhist principle of anatta . माधवोचित Ex: In essence the UNIA was the largest Pan-African movement. मूलवस्तु Ex: It also says of What constitutes the essence of a thing लुब्बलुबाब Ex: It is not known what is the essence of matter शीतपुष्पक Ex: It says especially What makes essence of a thing, or what links some things closely together शुक्लफला Ex: NATURE still designates the essence of a being or thing with attributes that are specific to it सत्वसार Ex: The essence of goodness is to be loved सरजोश Ex: The essence of things सार Ex: The essence of this project, this doctrine, etc उ: यही उनके सारे जीवन का सार है। सारभंग Ex: The thought is characteristic, the essence of the spirit सार्क Ex: , Shoo natural change their spots, It all boils down to its early trends, what makes the essence of the character उ: सार्क देशों के प्रमुखों ने समारोह में भाग लिया। सालु सुगन्ध उ: उसके अंग अंग से सुगन्ध निकल रही थी। सौँधा
The idea of karma took birth in India.
Other : गूदा Ex: Existence preceding essence is seen in Kierkegaard's Repetition उ: फल का गूदा हरापन लिए काला होता है तथा फल में बहुत से बीज होते हैं। तत्त्व Ex: The essence of these attacks was not that Demosthenes had relations with boys उ: रामायण में भी नृत्य के तत्त्व मिलते हैं। तत्व Ex: Colour is the essence of painting as sound is of music. उ: कश्मीर शैवदर्शन के अनुसार ३६ तत्व हैं। पानी Ex: The philosopher's work is to consider being, and the essence of things. उ: लगभग पृथ्वी का ९७.२ % पानी सागरो में है। मर्म Ex: From the essence of tuberose माद्दा Ex: Three of them had the preeminence and the essence of the executive power. मावा Ex: I'll tell you in essence that his book contains मूल Ex: In terms of philosophy, substantial form, form inherent to the substance, form that determines the essence of every उ: इसका मूल स्रोत ढूँढना बहुत मुश्किल है। रूह Ex: It is also said that this is the essence of a thing, this what it is लबाब Ex: It is figuratively called What relation to the principle of a thing, its essence सत Ex: Philosophy What constitutes being or essence of a thing उ: सत कारणों से ही सत कार्यो की उत्पत्ति हो सकती है। सत्त Ex: substantively, is the essence of the case उ: अधिकांश प्रब्ंधकों उच्च सत्त कि ज़रूरत रखते है। सारवस्तु Ex: This is the essence हीर उ: लगारी का हीर राँझे का किस्सा बहुत प्रसिद्ध है।
Essence ki paribhasha : saat snkhya ka snkshipt roop jisaka vyavahaar yaugik shabd banaane men hota hai ek pratyay jo snkhyaavaachak shabdon ke aage lagata hai aur utani hi baar kisi vishesh snkhyaa, maatra ya parimaan ko soochit karata hai kisi padaarth men ka moola, mukhya, kaam kaa, ya asali bhaag
ExamplesEssence synonyms
core substance nature root basis character soul element crux meaning principle aspect bottom line reality quality spirit structure kernel point nitty-gritty attribute entity caliber nub timber constitution germ being essentiality life fiber form fundamentals backbone base nucleus burden marrow quintessence vein meat pith stuff grain property be-all and end-all lifeblood quiddity chief constituent main idea name of game virtuality scent effusion balm potion spirits tincture liquor drug perfume cologne juice fragrance elixir extract Essence antonyms
abstract exterior outside top exteriority stink stench Usage of Essence in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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