Establish meaning in hindi
As verb : खडा करना Ex: Paradoxically, some of these disasters would help establish the Renaissance.
चित्या Ex: Neighbouring municipalities may establish co-operative arrangements. जमा लेना Ex: They helped establish the first true modern naval force of Japan. ठवनापु Ex: Africa, and Asia, lecturing and helping to establish clinics. डड़ियाना Ex: Devetzi finally did establish the foundation. थरपना Ex: He went on to establish the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932 थरपना Ex: He went on to establish the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932 थापणि Ex: Hereford and Worcester combined to establish the annual Three Choirs Festival निपाना Ex: It is more difficult to establish the origin of language प्रतिष्ठापन करना Ex: IG Farben acquired the property in 1927 to establish its headquarters there. प्रतिष्ठापना Ex: Planck did not establish an actual "school" प्रतिष्ठापना Ex: Planck did not establish an actual "school" प्रमाणित करना Ex: Siegel and Shuster used the first strips to establish Superman's backstory प्रातिधान Ex: The attempt to establish a peace agreement between the two sides failed. बनवना ‡पु Ex: Priestley, and Davy in order to help establish modern chemical knowledge. बनाना Ex: The single sold fairly well but did not establish a career. उ: इसके लिए वह दक्षिण कोरिया में अड्डा बनाना चाहता था। बनावना Ex: Next, he visited to establish the and made his disciple. बुनियाद डालना Ex: An attempt to establish a colony in Guiana in 1604 lasted only two years रुपायन Ex: He and Hypermnestra will establish a ruling dynasty in Argos. सन्यासन Ex: Various attempts to establish a cath lab in George Town Hospital have stalled. सरजाना Ex: Von Braun helped establish and promote the National Space Institute सेँधना Ex: The Phoenicians were the first to establish trading posts in Libya स्थापना करना Ex: After a disappointing attempt to establish a "Gambling Fraternity Convention" स्थापना Ex: Further, Baresch's letter only establish the existence of a manuscript उ: इसकी स्थापना १९६० में हुई थी। स्थापित करना Ex: 1777, to establish a farming community. संस्थापनकरना Ex: The Portuguese Empire would establish ports
Other : ठहराना Ex: Muhammad went on to establish another masjid in Medina सिद्ध करना Ex: Venezuela and the Dominican Republic to establish German-speaking enclaves
Establish ki paribhasha : kisi drav padaarth ki thndha karake athava kisi aur prakaar se gaadha karana pramaanapoorvak kisi vishay ko siddh karana
ExamplesEstablish synonyms
authorize settle form provide create start base build install put found inaugurate institute enact secure constitute inculcate station ground decree fix erect live moor lodge implant entrench practice stick land stabilize endow originate place ensconce root domiciliate rivet lay foundation ring in set down start ball rolling prove formulate ratify make confirm determine legislate verify certify predicate show substantiate learn prescribe discover rest stay corroborate ascertain validate find out make out disambiguate circumstantiate Establish antonyms
destroy ruin prevent loosen refuse disarrange disorganize unsettle cease dislodge disorder invalidate disprove remove take end stop lose let go unfasten displace change neglect unfix forget disestablish confuse deny disallow renounce veto contradict reject fail discredit miss Usage of Establish in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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