Estimable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Estimable
As adjective : आदरणिय Ex:  A well composed society, a society chosen where it is found that people estimable
टँकावल Ex:  An author, an estimable book बहमोल Ex:  estimable writer बहुमूल्य Ex:  Having estimable qualities उ:   अंदरूनी क्षेत्र में रत्नों व बहुमूल्य पत्थरों का कार्य है। बेशकीमत, बेशकीमती Ex:  He is a man very estimable
Estimable synonyms
praiseworthy admirable appreciable august big name big time commendable decent deserving excellent good high-powered honored laudable major league noble reputable reputed respectable respected sterling valuable valued venerable esteemed admired in limelight meretorious meritable palmary praisable well-thought-of
Estimable antonyms
dishonorable inestimable insignificant unworthy bad poor
Usage of Estimable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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