Estrangement meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Estrangement
As noun : अँतर Ex:  The quarrel caused two years estrangement between them.
अलगाव Ex:  The estrangement was not of long continuance उ:   उसके बाद, अलगाव के कारण जॉन की स्थिति खराब हो गई। उपजाप छेती तफर्का दूरी उ:   मन्दिर चंडीघाट से ३ किमी दूरी पर स्थित है। प्रविश्लेष भिन्नात विधुति विनाभव विनिक्षेप विप्रकर्ष, विप्रकर्षण विलग्नता वैविक्त्य षष्टियोजनी समुत्पाट सम्बन्ध विच्छेदन
Estrangement ki paribhasha : hindi varnamaala ka pachisavaaan vynjan aur pa varg ka antim varn jisane kisi baat se muanh pher liya ho khaaki rng ki ek prakaar ki lava chidiya
Estrangement synonyms
separation hostility disunity schism alienation disaffection division withholding divorce withdrawal leave split breach removal parting leaving disassociation antagonization break-up
Estrangement antonyms
friendliness juncture marriage introduction connection union
Usage of Estrangement in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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