Evacuate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Evacuate
As verb : खाली कराना Ex:  MSF has had to evacuate its teams from areas such as around Bunia
निष्क्रमण करना Ex:  It also means pushing outside, evacuate मलोत्सर्ग करना Ex:  It still means Action to evacuate a country, a place of war, as a result of a treaty, capitulation, etc रिक्त करना या कराना Ex:  Action evacuate रिक्त करना Ex:  Action evacuate विरेचित करना Ex:  It is said, especially in terms of medicine, the Action to push out, to evacuate सुरक्षित स्थान पर ले जाना{असुरक्षित जगह से} स्थान त्यागना
Other : खाली करना Ex:  Britain failed to evacuate Malta खाली Ex:  The organisation was forced to evacuate its teams from Afghanistan on July 28 उ:   स्टेशन पर ट्रेन खाली कराकर उसकी तलाशी ली जा रही है। छोडना Ex:  It still means Action to evacuate a country, a place of war, as a result of a treaty, capitulation, etc छोड़ देना Ex:  evacuate troops, artillery, etc
Evacuate ki paribhasha : jisake andar kuchh na ho
Evacuate synonyms
depart pull out expel displace remove leave vacate withdraw abandon discharge desert relinquish quit hightail eject decamp forsake bail out cut out move out pack up run for the hills skidaddle
Evacuate antonyms
permit remain come in continue stay allow hold keep support enter fill load occupy
Usage of Evacuate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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