Evening meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Evening
As noun : अंत समय Ex:  it was their habit to dine at 7 every evening
अंतवेला Ex:  This is the first edition of the book.
The news was announced for the evening edition of the paper .
इशा Ex:  She has spend her whole evening in convivial atmosphere. उत्सूर Ex:  he talked big all evening गोप्रवेश Ex:  The sat supping their evening tea. जीवन साँया Ex:  Janet asked us to a party Friday evening . दिनशेष Ex:  We laughed away the evening . दिवसावसान Ex:  The songs livened up the evening . दीपकाल Ex:  Have a pleasant evening . द्वाभा Ex:  What do you do from morning to evening at home? धूरसंझा Ex:  On the evening of June 13 पितृप्रसू Ex:  On the evening of October 3 ब्रह्मभूति Ex:  On the evening of 29 February रात्रियोग Ex:  And there was evening and there was morning, one day". विआल Ex:  By the evening of March 4 विभावरीमुख Ex:  The Deccan Chronicle and evening dailies वृद्धार्क Ex:  The Holy Thursday evening Mass of the Lord's Supper शाम कीअ Ex:  On the evening of 9 December शाम Ex:  New York on Sunday evening उ:   यहां शाम को काफी पर्यटक आते हैं। शाय्ंअकालीन Ex:  In the evening of September 19 संध्या Ex:  Feasting in the evening उ:   संध्या हिन्दी फ़िल्मों की एक अभिनेत्री हैं। साँझ Ex:  Prior to the evening celebration साँझि Ex:  After that evening they began dating. सायांकालअ Ex:  On the evening of his twenty-first birthday
Other : गोधूलि Ex:  Her evening gown was symmetrically decorated. उ:   उषा काल और गोधूलि वेला में भी यह काफी सक्रिय होते हैं। शुकर Ex:  On the evening of New Year's Day of 1942 संझा Ex:  One evening in January 1842 उ:   फिर सभी मिलकर संझा देवी को गीतों के साथ विदा करने जाते हैं। संध्य Ex:  On the evening of April 26 संध्या या शाम Ex:  Saturday, and Sunday evening with a variety of clothing, souvenirs and food. सांयकाल Ex:  According to Tokarev, the shooting started in the evening and ended at dawn. उ:   सांयकाल समिधा एकत्र कर ब्रह्मचारी संध्या ओर होम का अनुष्ठान करते थे। सायंकाल Ex:  The city has two daily newspapers: the morning Daily Post and the evening Echo उ:   सायंकाल की आरती का दृष्य बडा मनोहारी होता है। स‌ंध्या Ex:  On the Monday evening of Eurovision Week
Evening ki paribhasha : din ka antim bhaag din aur raat ki sndhi ek prasiddh praachin desh jo arab ke uttar men hai
Usage of Evening in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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