Eventually meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Eventually
As noun : अंततोगत्वा Ex:  The critics eventually roasted his new play. उ:   ये तत्व अंततोगत्वा संख्याएँ ही हैं।
As adverb :
अंत में Ex:  He will understand eventually अंततः Ex:  unchivalrously, the husbands who had to provide such innocent indulgences eventually began to count the costs उ:   और अंततः नगर बंबई प्रेसीडेंसी का मुख्यालय बन गया। आखिरकार Ex:  Fred eventually will pay Mike back . उ:   आखिरकार तीसरे प्रयास ने उनकी जान ले ली। आपाततह Ex:  The French eventually gave up with the experiment in 1804 प्रांतभूमौ Ex:  , eventually owned saloons on Lombard and Camden Street in Baltimore. फलतः Ex:  More than 5,000 Black Caribs were eventually deported to Roatán उ:   फलतः अन्तरानुशासनात्मक शोध का महत्त्व बढ़ा है।
Other : आख़िर Ex:  the epilogue told what eventually happened to the main characters आख़िरकार Ex:  You'll learn that dance step eventually .
Eventually synonyms
someday ultimately sooner or later finally yet hereafter sometime one day after all at last at the end of the day in future in the end in the long run when all is said and done
Eventually antonyms
Usage of Eventually in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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