Evergreen meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Evergreen
As noun : ऐसा पौधा या वृक्ष Ex:  Laurel makes an evergreen hedge.
जनवल्लभ Ex:  Periwinkle is an evergreen plant. जनेष्ट Ex:  The majority of the plants are evergreen hard-leaf plants with fine नित हरा Ex:  Oregon's evergreen mountain forests लोकप्रिय Ex:  evergreen conifers in the family and, carved in various ways, is used for decoration in gardens drawn by French and cemeteries उ:   राज्य का एक लोकप्रिय खेल क्रिकेट है। सदा हरित Ex:  It is also said to and a trailing shrub evergreen that bears berries tart, somewhat similar to cherries and that otherwise called Bearberry सदापर्णी Ex:  Kind Botanical plants from the family of conifers, which includes twenty trees or evergreen shrubs सदाबहार वृक्ष Ex:  Laurier-cherry, evergreen shrub of the Rosaceae family, which wearing a little red fruit सदाबहार Ex:  Stipules deciduous, evergreen उ:   जत्रोफा अनावृष्टि-रोधी सदाबहार झाडी है। सदाहरित Ex:  trees Green expresses particular of trees that retain their evergreen leaves such as holly, pine, cypress, etc उ:   पतझड़ या वसंत ऋतु सदाहरित स्पीशीज़ लगाने का सर्वोत्तम समय है।
As adjective : सदा बहार Ex:  evergreen plant of the Umbelliferae family, crawling on the ground or climbing up walls and around trees
Evergreen ki paribhasha : ek yog jisamen kiya hua paap ya puny ka naash nahin hota jo sada hara rahe jisaka patajhad na ho
Evergreen synonyms
fir hedge pine pine tree
Usage of Evergreen in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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