Everlasting meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Everlasting
As noun : अर्जय Ex:  A good presentation leaves an everlasting impression.
चिरस्थायी Ex:  an everlasting talker, a man who talks too much चीरस्थ Ex:  For imprecation, Cursed be the bittern, awkward! Cursed be the day I was born! CURSED is also used as a noun in this sentence of the Gospel Go, ye cursed, into everlasting fire स्थेयस Ex:  In a way everlasting
As adjective : अनन्त Ex:  Stars are everlasting in the sky.
Everlasting complaints
उ:   तो पृथ्वी की धारिता अनन्त होगी।
Other : अविनाशी Ex:  Hell is everlasting separation from God. चिरंतन Ex:  He also said that the fulness of the everlasting Gospel was contained in it सार्वकालिक Ex:  God is from everlasting
Everlasting ki paribhasha : ek yog jisamen kiya hua paap ya puny ka naash nahin hota
Everlasting synonyms
eternal perpetual timeless immortal unending abiding lasting permanent constant boundless ceaseless continual continuous deathless endless imperishable incessant indestructible interminable limitless unceasing undying uninterrupted amaranthine perdurable unremitting termless
Everlasting antonyms
ephemeral temporary transient fleeting concluding brief ending ceasing terminating
Usage of Everlasting in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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