Every which way meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Every which way
As noun : अंधाधुंध तरीके से
अव्यवस्थित ढंग से
As adverb : जहा उ:   जहा मुख्यतः भैस के चमड़े का कार्य होता है। जहाँ तहाँ यत्रतत्र उ:   यत्रतत्र इनमें हास-परिहास का भी पुट पाया जाता है।
Every which way synonyms
haphazardly everywhere irregularly randomly all over the place at every turn everyway everywhither in all directions in all manner of ways in every quarter indiscriminately
Usage of Every which way in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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