Eviction meaning in hindi
As noun : अधिनिष्कासन Ex: Ensuring an eviction
निराकृति Ex: Proceed with the eviction of a tenant, a farmer निर्णोद निष्कासन उ: यहीं कई स्थानों पर सीवर निष्कासन भी होता है। विलासकरण
Other : बेदखली
Eviction ki paribhasha : pnchamahaayajn ke anushthaan se rahit manu dakhal yo vabje ka hataaya jaana athava na hona
ExamplesEviction synonyms
expulsion ouster dispossession ejection removal rush clearance bounce walking papers dislodgement boot kicking out the gate bum's rush Eviction antonyms
admittance welcome boarding including leasing receiving renting welcoming Usage of Eviction in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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