Evident meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Evident
As adjective : अक्षिभू Ex:  His involvement in the affair is evident from his suspicious behaviour on that day.
अगोई Ex:  Milton's pure Latin prose and evident learning अगोपि Ex:  This is especially evident in the urban areas of the state अगोह्य Ex:  Joyce's influence is also evident in fields other than literature. अनिगीर्ण Ex:  When this became evident अप्रछन्न Ex:  It made evident and prevalent the sense of "form and function as a unity" अप्रोक्ष Ex:  Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period of time. अफशा Ex:  This is evident in, for example, the art of India, Tibet and Japan. अयाँ Ex:  A Southwestern visual style is evident throughout आलक्ष्य Ex:  At his canonization trial, it became evident he did not practice such rites. आशकार Ex:  This phenomenon is evident in creaking chairs and wobbling book cases. उदभासित Ex:  The distinction was evident in many RFCs उद्गगत Ex:  The influence of Led Zeppelin is also evident जली Ex:  This is evident in the change in language used in Ogham inscriptions. ज़ाहिर Ex:  The influence of the latter in particular is evident in his letters उ:   हाल ही में पाए गए कुछ शिलालेखों ने हिरणानगरम के नाम को ज़ाहिर किया। दृष्टमान Ex:  This is especially evident in the city's Old Town परकट Ex:  When Claudius' afflictions became evident परतक Ex:  The heritage of the classical era is still evident in the city परतछ Ex:  This is made evident in the prominence of Luther परतछि Ex:  These two things are evident from the construction परतष Ex:  By 1951, it had also become evident that her health was rapidly deteriorating. परतिच्छ Ex:  Credits: Ian MacDonald Note: Hand claps are evident on overdub परतिष Ex:  Strained racial relations were evident in the trial of Dr. परतीक Ex:  This trend is most evident in the works of Philip Freneau प्रकट Ex:  This was evident in on Wings of Love उ:   जिससे चार राजा प्रकट हुये। प्रख्य Ex:  Today, these influences are evident in Polish architecture, folklore, and art. प्रतक्ष Ex:  This was evident in the architecture of the newly-formed city of Ashgabat प्रतछि Ex:  Danger, danger evident प्रतष Ex:  There is nothing there that is evident प्रत्यक Ex:  This is evident प्रत्यक्ष उ:   प्रत्यक्ष तो केवल मानसिक प्रत्यय हैं। प्रत्यच्छ प्रव्यक्त फरगट मुजस्सिम मूर्त्तिमान विभूत विवृत विस्पष्ट संप्रजात साविष्कार सुप्रकाश सुसपष्ट सैदेही० सौँतुख स्मेर हस्तहार्य
Other : उदित Ex:  Irish or Scots cultures that would have been evident in the 17th century उ:   उदित की मातृभाषा मैथिली हैं और वो बिहार के मिथिलांचल इलाके से आते हैं। उद्भासित Ex:  This is more evident in the suburbs of the city परिस्फुट Ex:  To determine whether initial symptoms are evident स्पष्ट उ:   भाषा भी उसी को स्पष्ट करती है।
Evident ki paribhasha : jyotish men grahon ka sphutasaadhan jisase yah jaana jaata hai ki janm ke samay athava kisi aur vishisht kaal men kaun sa grah kis raashi ke kitane ansha, kitani kala aur kitani vikala men tha chaar prakaar ke pramaanon men se ek pramaan jo sabase shreshth maana jaata hai
Evident synonyms
noticeable indisputable visible obvious unmistakable palpable conspicuous axiomatic barefaced clear-cut distinct fact incontrovertible logical manifest open-and-shut patent perceptible plain reasonable straightforward tangible unambiguous crystal clear incontestable plain as day
Evident antonyms
inconspicuous indefinite questionable uncertain unsure vague concealed hidden unclear disputable unknown obscure unnoticeable doubtful dubious secret mistakable
Usage of Evident in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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