Exalt meaning in hindi
As verb : उन्नत करना Ex: He worked to exalt the minds
उपवाक Ex: It is used colloquially to mean exalt If a thoughtless and excessive for or against someone or something पद या शक्ति बढ़ाना Ex: It means figuratively Increase, exalt पसंसना ‡ Ex: Praising God, to exalt his name प्रशंसा करना Ex: To exalt the benefits received बढाई करना Ex: We can not exalt too much credit for this writer श्लाघन संवर्द्धन, संवर्धन संशब्दन
Other : तीव्र करना Ex: It means figuratively exalt advocate unduly बढाना Ex: , Mount head to someone, someone Mount a, Exciter, exalt someone बढ़ाई करना
ExamplesExalt synonyms
glorify magnify dignify laud extol revere bless acclaim ennoble advance applaud intensify eulogize erect worship commend apotheosize upgrade aggrandize distinguish transfigure idolize boost honor sublime build up halo uprear pay homage to pay tribute to set on pedestal Exalt antonyms
castigate condemn degrade humiliate shame blame damn deny disapprove refuse censure denounce dishonor raze decrease disgrace criticize lower depress stop halt disrespect debase Usage of Exalt in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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