Exaltation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Exaltation
As noun : उच्छ्रय उच्छ्राय Ex:  I prefer the word exaltation, exaltation which can merge into madness, perhaps.
उजरंग Ex:  Feeling that consists in the exaltation of the national idea उत्कर्ष उमंग Ex:  Figuratively, it means the Passion sickly state of exaltation उन्नयन Ex:  In terms of medicine, it means live exaltation suspends sensitivity and willingness उ:   गणितीय रूप से शिखर उन्नयन का स्थानीय अधिकतम है। उमंग Ex:  It also says a spirit of exaltation Certain like the enthusiasm of lyric poets उलाह Ex:  Since its exaltation ऊठ Ex:  The day of his exaltation चूँप Ex:  The exaltation of religious sentiment, patriotism धाँख Ex:  The exaltation of spirits परिश्रृत Ex:  The exaltation of the Cross फराजी Ex:  He was in the eighteenth century as the name of some fanatical religious exaltation which caused convulsions बुलंदी वीरदर्प सत्वोद्रेक हुब हुमंक हुमंकना
Other : उत्कर्ष Ex:  His head is a fire, it heats up the exaltation उ:   बौद्ध धर्म का उत्कर्ष हुआ और पूरे प्रायद्वीप में इसका प्रसार हुआ। महिमा उ:   यह सारी महिमा उसी ब्रह्म की है।
Exaltation ki paribhasha : ek alnkaar jisamen ek ke gun ya dosh se doosare men gun ya dosh dikhalaaya jaata hai isake chaar bhed hain—k gun se gun hona
Exaltation synonyms
acclaim apotheosis plaudits eminence worship aggrandizement ennoblement homage idolization advancement magnification tribute grandeur rise elevation blessing acclamation reverence prestige loftiness glorification dignity applause glory panegyric extolment honor laudation uplifting high rank lionization upgrading rapture elation exultation jubilation euphoria excitement ecstasy exhilaration animation delight intoxication stimulation bliss delectation transport inspiration joyousness
Exaltation antonyms
disapproval dishonor disrespect scorn disdain condemnation lowliness castigation debasement denunciation humiliation sorrow woe criticism unimportance decline depression misery unhappiness despair boredom upset discouragement dullness trouble
Usage of Exaltation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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