Exalted meaning in hindi
As verb : अनन्यसामान्य Ex: Several ancient religions believed that cats are exalted souls
अन्यासाधरण Ex: Some deities are also simply exalted humans अभ्युच्छित Ex: Zoroaster thus shares an exalted station with Abraham असाधारण Ex: It is an exalted man, or, as a name, it is an exalted, exalted उ: आपके पिता ने आप पर असाधारण हद तक विश्वास किया और पूरी स्वतंत्रता दी। आजात Ex: Reading the novels he had exalted imagination आडंवर Ex: These prolonged meditations have exalted his mind उच Ex: This word has been used since to designate People with exalted revolutionary opinions उच्च Ex: Who exalted patriotism उ: उच्च शिक्षा के लिये भी कई कॉलेज हैं। उत्कृष्ट Ex: Whoever humbles himself will be exalted उ: ड्वेक ने स्कूल में उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन किया। उल्लासमय ऊचल ऊर्द्ध्वस्थ गैरमामूली जनतिग नौबढ़ प्रगुण्य बिसीष लाकसीमातिवर्ती लोकातिग वस्य संभृत सत्कला सोत्सेध
As adjective : अभ्युच्छित Ex: Zoroaster thus shares an exalted station with Abraham अलौजा Ex: Employed as name, past participle is said and figuratively familiarly of a person who is exalted no reason for subjects that are not worth the trouble उच्छोर्षक Ex: Who holds the two genres of the novel ; which is wonderful as the novel of adventures, or exalted as the characters in a novel, like feelings attributed to them उद्धूत Ex: It sometimes refers Whoever seeks to temper exalted opinions, to bring extreme feelings उन्नत उ: धीरे-धीरे ये उद्योग बहुत उन्नत हो गए। ऊनंत गौरवान्वित परिबृंहित प्रोदुगत बुलंद उ: जंजिरे की तटबंदी बुलंद है। विवद्धिंत समुच्छित समुत्कट समुदीर्ण समुन्न्त समुपोढ़
Other : आली Ex: This person has exalted imagination, exalted head उ: आली चमोली जिले का एक गाँव है। ऊंचा उ: यह बांध विश्व का सबसे ऊंचा ग्रेविटी बांध है।
Exalted ki paribhasha : jisaka doosara daavedaar na ho taar naam ka saptak jo shesh donon saptakon se ooancha hota hai sngit jisaki ooanchaayi adhik ho
ExamplesExalted synonyms
inflated illustrious elevated sublime lofty honored exaggerated leading imposing dignified astral august eminent excessive first grand high-minded highest honorable ideal immodest intellectual magnificent noble number one outstanding overblown pompous prestigious pretentious proud self-important superb superior top-drawer high-ranking uplifting highest-ranking top-ranking Exalted antonyms
lowly subordinate unimportant condemned debased humiliated criticized denounced Usage of Exalted in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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