Excerpt meaning in hindi
As noun : अवतण Ex:  The policy of the Bond is best summarised by an excerpt from De Patriot
उद्ध रण Ex:  The audio excerpt is from the opening of Singet dem Herrn उद्धरण Ex:  "Ignorance is Strength" is explained in the chapter 1 excerpt उ: }|}}}}}} से सम्बन्धित उद्धरण हैं। उद्धृत करना Ex:  The following is an excerpt from an interview with Philippe Calain कोटेशन Ex:  The following is an excerpt from the The World Factbook about Tunisia
Other : छाँट Ex:  Short excerpt of the parallel text on tablets H उ: छाँट के पश्चात् चूड़ी पर अनेक प्रकार की डिजाइन काटने का कम होता है।
Excerpt ki paribhasha : buri avastha se achchhi avastha men aana
ExamplesExcerpt synonyms
selection fragment passage portion piece extract quotation saying notation quote section note pericope cull glean choose pick cite pick out single out Excerpt antonyms
refusal entirety whole insert refuse reject Usage of Excerpt in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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