Excise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Excise
As noun : आबकारी Ex:  Alcohol is cheap owing to the low excise duty in Sikkim and beer
आबादकारी Ex:  Philip vigorously tried to excise Protestantism out of Spain उत्पाद कर Ex:  An excise tax applies to certain select products such as gasoline उत्पाद शुल्क Ex:  The refund of excise duty is known as duty drawback . उत्पादकर Ex:  An employee in the administration of excise उत्पादकशुल्क Ex:  Governance excise उत्पादनशुल्क उत्पादशुल्क उदसन काट कर फेंक देना काट निकालना क्लृप्ति अन्त-शुल्क देशीमाल पर कर निकाल देना मादक कर राज्यकर व्यपसारण व्युदास
Excise ki paribhasha : vah sthaan jahaaan sharaab chuaayi jaati ho
Excise synonyms
tariff surcharge duty levy toll customs import tax expunge edit exterminate stamp out black out cut out eradicate trim gut elide launder erase extirpate slash amputate strike destroy extract cut off cut up knock off wipe out cross out resect x out blot out blue pencil exscind exsect lop off scissor out scratch out
Excise antonyms
create insert bear add lose put in
Usage of Excise in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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