Excite meaning in hindi
As noun : क्रोध दिलाना Ex: He also said, speaking of a person or thing that shows unexpectedly or suddenly, whose appearance raises surprise or excite interest
As verb :
उकसाना Ex: Action to excite उत्तेजित करना Ex: By extension, excite somebody उदगारना Ex: Engage, excite उद्दीपन करना Ex: Foment , excite hatreds ऊर्जित करना Ex: goad, excite खुश करना Ex: Hunting Call, excite a dog, a horse, shouting houp जाग्रित करना Ex: Igniting, excite the desires झुझकाना, झुझकावना Ex: In terms of Carousel, Tell a horse, through the excite some help when it neglects its exercise in ताव दिलाना Ex: In terms of Hunting and Riding, Giving language, Call, excite the dog, horse, for a sound that is strongly pressing the tongue against the palate and removing the highly प्रदीप्त करना Ex: In terms of medicine, he said it is proper to excite the organic functions मोदना Ex: It also means, in general, which is calculated to excite deep emotion, to inspire pity, speaking of an event or action of real life संघुक्षण Ex: It figuratively said of the things that excite some Action संघुक्षण Ex: It figuratively said of the things that excite some Action संचोदन Ex: Medicine Who is calculated to excite the pleasures of love सक्रिय बनाना Ex: move, excite someone's anger
Other : खिजाना Ex: In order to excite a contemptuous pity
ExamplesExcite synonyms
annoy work up disturb thrill energize bother vex astound irritate delight amaze anger agitate offend animate worry infuriate move waken jolt elicit arouse accelerate provoke quicken discompose electrify incite jar goad start galvanize titillate instigate mock whet fire taunt induce inflame warm precipitate fluster awaken intensify foment chafe tease madden evoke kindle stimulate feed the fire stir up touch off wake up Excite antonyms
aid soothe calm quiet reassure assist dishearten dissuade repress hinder retard prevent slow weaken deter praise deaden lull pacify tranquilize make happy please discourage depress help stop bore end halt dull disenchant turn off dampen cool put out compose moderate Usage of Excite in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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