Excited meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Excited
As noun : उतेजित Ex:  she was easily excited
As verb :
उत्तेजित Ex:  She was excited about the trip to Moscow . उ:   सरकार की दमननीति ने इसे और भी उत्तेजित किया। उत्साहहेतुक Ex:  The little boys are very excited . उदीरित Ex:  His trademarks include his excited manner उद्गगूर्ण Ex:  By his verse the minds of many were often excited to despise the world प्रतिचोदित Ex:  Being excited formed See वेजित Ex:  Get excited oneself and make efforts to arrive at a result or to something that is made painfully संकुपित Ex:  It also said the state of what is excited संचोदित Ex:  It is figuratively called extreme agitation, excited by the disorder in the soul passions, violent emotions संरंभी Ex:  It is left excited by the voice of this woman संहृष्टी Ex:  It says figuratively Complaints excited by the tyranny, injustice, misery, etc समद्धत Ex:  Put the other train, The excited to joy, pleasure सहसंवेग Ex:  Reading this book had excited
As adjective : उदबृद्ध Ex:  Some breeds are known to make a "wark" noise when excited उदभासित Ex:  You couldn’t help but get excited by the game". उद्दीप्त Ex:  It is characterised by very excited and/or aggressive behavior and a thick उ:   काम, क्रोध, लोभ, आदि के उद्दीप्त होने के सैकड़ों अवसर आते रहेंगे। उद्दीप्र Ex:  These sculptures excited the public so strongly that smaller replicas were sold
Other : उत्तप्त Ex:  At the party there was a much excited chatter. उ:   शेली एक उत्तप्त क्रांतिकारी व्यक्ति थे। उत्तेजना Ex:  I am really excited you are here . काँवरा Ex:  Hitler speaks in a slightly excited क्षुब्ध Ex:  �They are usually excited to go on this outing,� he said . उ:   इससे वो क्षुब्ध हुआ और उसने रज़ा को अंधा कर दिया। गहगह Ex:  Salima was excited about the summer camp she was attending . गहगहा Ex:  Absolutely, Cause someone's excited for the fight
Excited synonyms
nervous enthusiastic delighted eager disturbed agitated passionate hysterical annoyed moved disconcerted inflamed provoked stimulated wired animated charged beside oneself feverish frantic high hot hot and bothered hyperactive jumpy on edge on fire overwrought wild fired up thrilled stirred ruffled discomposed roused awakened aroused piqued tumultous/tumultuous aflame in a tizzy juiced up keyed up steamed up worked up zipped up
Excited antonyms
indifferent apathetic disinterested bored composed laid-back uninspired calm unenthusiastic unexcited easy-going unenthused
Usage of Excited in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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