Excitement meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Excitement
As noun : उछाला Ex:  There were tremors of excitement in the film.
उतावलापन Ex:  He could hardly conceal his excitement when she agreed to marry him. उत्तेजना Ex:  The excitement of the parade carried us all away . उ:   पौधों और फंगल कोशिकाओं में भी विद्युतीय रूप से उत्तेजना होती है। उद्दीपना Ex:  The excitement of the moment really keyed me up . कौतूहल Ex:  Signor Beato was there in great excitement उ:   कौतूहल और जिज्ञासा के भाव ने इसे विकसित किया। छेड़ Ex:  He all the excitement of the fanatics ताबल Ex:  He said, sometimes, talking to a Simple excitement membranes, nerves, etc बढा़वा Ex:  In terms of physiology, He said of the action expressed by the body after any excitement बेक़रारी Ex:  In terms of physiology, it means an action of the body in response to any excitement श्येनकरण Ex:  L excitement minds संप्रहर्षण Ex:  The excitement of goods is completed हलचल या आवेश Ex:  The greatest excitement prevailed among the people prevailed in the city
Other : आन्दोलन Ex:  The excitement of the crowd was at fever pitch. उ:   हमारा आन्दोलन प्रभावशील भाषाग्रहण का आन्दोलन है। उत्तेजन Ex:  The room buzzed with excitement . क्षोभ Ex:  After the initial excitement गरमागरमी Ex:  Cause of excitement छेड Ex:  D ' Where does the excitement when I see you? Fig राजस Ex:  It said, in terms of physiology, independent movements of the will which are caused by organic excitement सनसनी Ex:  The excitement of the press उ:   स्पेनवासियों का उत्साह बढ़ा और पूरे यूरोप में सनसनी फैल गई।
Excitement ki paribhasha : kisi taral padaarth ka aaanch ya garami ke kaaran ubalana aisi avastha jisamen kya kahana ya karana chaahie, yah na soojh pade chhou ya khod khaadakar tng karane ki kriya logon ke bich phaili hui adhirataa, ghabaraahata, daud dhoopa, shoragul aadi vegon ko tivr karane ki kriya
Excitement synonyms
emotion tumult motivation turmoil thrill furor rage confusion fuss commotion drama elation trepidation passion adventure buzz frenzy feeling warmth hysteria provocation agitation motive hullabaloo disturbance stimulation hubbub animation titillation ferment ado stir movement urge to-do fever excitation flurry heat perturbation intoxication impulse hurry discomposure stimulus bother instigation activity action dither kicks melodrama wildness
Excitement antonyms
calmness happiness stillness hindrance quiet inactivity cessation inaction stoppage hate frigidity idleness inertia apathy boredom lull order peace depression discouragement rest dullness
Usage of Excitement in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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