Excretion meaning in hindi
As noun : उत्सर्जन Ex:  Kind of simple medicine or drug compound that is chewed to excite the excretion of saliva उ: ये उत्सर्जन अंग के बाहरी छिद्र हैं।
मल Ex:  Physiology Produce excretion of a substance उ: मल उपचार के बावजूद समस्याएं खड़ी होती हैं। मलोत्सर्जन Ex:  Physiology Who produces the excretion मैल Ex:  Sweating is through excretion
Other : उत्सर्ग अभिकेंद्रवृद्धि Ex:  Twenty-four-hour urate excretion of more than 20 mg/kg is also typical उत्सर्ग Ex:  Various diseases and medications may decrease the body's excretion of potassium
Excretion ki paribhasha : philavaanon ka ek saakentik shabd jo haathiyon ko uthaane ke liye kaha jaata hai
ExamplesUsage of Excretion in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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