Execute meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Execute
As verb : कार्य पालन करना Ex:  The governor of Asia refused to execute them as Caesar demanded
कार्यन्वित करना Ex:  Action to execute something कार्यान्वित करना Ex:  Before execute his promise, as procrastination! निष्पादन करना Ex:  Field maneuvers Large flat space where military maneuvers to execute निष्पादित करना Ex:  He also said, speaking of affairs, business and means Let us know his plans and the means employed to execute the पुरस्करण Ex:  He said specifically speaking of the extraordinary men that God inspires, he drives and drives to execute his wishes पूरा करना Ex:  Here an object to execute a copy to try, it will make your hand प्राण दण्ड देना Ex:  It also means Make run by an order or give the order to execute फाँसी देना Ex:  It also means Projecting , think about doing something, think of ways to execute फॉसी देना Ex:  It is not enough to initiate, execute र्कायान्वित करना Ex:  Make , enter into, execute a pact संचालन करना Ex:  Method to do a book, to execute or make something according to certain rules संप्रसाधन Ex:  NOT in terms of dance, thought of different ways to execute the movement of the dance सकिलाना ‡ Ex:  One of the two genres, one that obtained a land concession to operate or public works to execute
Other : कर डालना Ex:  He took several months to plan and execute his Peninsula Campaign कार्यपालन Ex:  And he said to the exercises of the body subject to certain rules and that we learn to execute well, like riding a horse, make weapons, dancing, swimming, etc लिख देना Ex:  makes provision that puts no time to undertake or execute हस्ताक्षर करना Ex:  PREMATURE also said, figuratively, of things that it is not yet time to initiate, execute
Execute ki paribhasha : kisi nukoli vastu se rokha ke roop men chihn karana
Execute synonyms
shoot assassinate murder hang behead electrocute finish liquidate gas purge eliminate guillotine bump off do in knock off put away put to death prosecute accomplish complete perform pull off meet implement enforce enact play hit render transact effect administer score consummate percolate discharge fulfill govern cause realize achieve administrate bring off come through hack it polish off take care of deal with bring to fruition do the job do the trick do to a t earn wings get there make it put into effect put over put through sail through take care of business
Execute antonyms
create disregard ignore shirk keep maintain bear abandon fail forget leave miss neglect cease prevent hinder deny refuse halt stop give up cancel lose
Usage of Execute in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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