Exert meaning in hindi
As verb : असंसर्गिका Ex: Dont exert too much, you will tire yourself.
उपाचारना Ex: But just let those with the ability exert the effort on this road काम में लाना Ex: Such springs exert forces that push when contracted जोर लगाना Ex: Chinese writing is generally agreed to exert a unifying influence. प्रयास करना Ex: Exercising a great empire, exercise of influence, exert influence, great influence, Have on प्रसंजन Ex: He said specifically, China, a class of men who cultivate letters and exert government jobs बर्तना Ex: In terms of chemistry, it is said that the response of the body by combining exert on each other बल लगाना Ex: It particularly refers to a mechanism that, with minimal effort, allowing exert considerable pressure हँड़ाना Ex: It says figuratively objects that exert a strong impression on people हथवाँसना Ex: PUSH intransitive also means exert thrust, pressing
Other : परिश्रम करना Ex: While playing, members exert energy on behalf of the team .
ExamplesExert synonyms
expend wield bring to bear utilize apply exercise strive plug dig toil work labor employ strain struggle push endeavor throw bring into play put out apply oneself give best shot make effort peg away pour it on put forth sweat it try hard give all one's got Exert antonyms
conceal hide laze ignore idle relax rest Usage of Exert in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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