Exhaustion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Exhaustion
As noun : अधहपतन Ex:  his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows
क्षय Ex:  This technique is known as the method of exhaustion उ:   इस प्रक्रिया को रेडियो सक्रिय क्षय कहते हैं। क्षैष्य Ex:  With the exhaustion of phosphate reserves खपति Ex:  exhaustion state खय Ex:  It is in a state of great exhaustion चषति Ex:  The exhaustion of the Treasury forced to resort to extraordinary means छकार Ex:  The exhaustion where he fell is the price of its excesses ज्यानि Ex:  The fasts and vigils have reduced it to exhaustion थकान Ex:  To die of exhaustion उ:   वे एक वृक्ष से टिककर अपनी थकान उतारने लगे। धमस नि-शेषण प्रह्लास रादजक्ष्मा विस्त्रंस शरीरसाद शून्यीकरण शेषण संवार समापन उ:   पीपीडीसीएल भी इसका समापन कर रही है। सादनी हति हलाकत
Other : क्लांति Ex:  Ebola symptoms are usually limited to extreme exhaustion खाली करना Ex:  It is said by analogy, in terms of the Arts, a machine which uses the force of a waterfall to raise a party to a higher level or used to exhaustion excavations or compression of the water थकावट श्रांति श्रान्ति
Exhaustion ki paribhasha : kisi kaary ya baat aadi ka ant hona kisi kaary ke snpaadan men honevaala shaaririk amyaas kisi padaarth kaa, visheshataः dhan aadi kaa, is prakaar kaam men aana ki vah samaapt ho jaay niti shaastr ke anusaar raaja ke RRishi, basti, durga, setu, hastibndhana, khaana, karagrahan aur sena ke samooh ashtavarg ka hraas ya naash
Exhaustion synonyms
debility debilitation collapse consumption feebleness weariness expenditure fatigue prostration enervation lassitude burnout
Exhaustion antonyms
health vigor readiness ability strength energy liveliness
Usage of Exhaustion in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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