Exhort meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Exhort
As verb : उपदेश करना Ex:  Prédication, Christian discourse, which usually decides in the pulpit in a church, to instruct and exhort the faithful to
उपदेश देना दबाव डालना पूँतारना प्रबोधित करना प्रोत्साहित करना बमलाना
Other : उत्साहित करना Ex:  Announce the word of God, the gospel, preach, exhort the faithful शिक्षा देना
Exhort ki paribhasha : pahale se soochana dena
Exhort synonyms
beseech admonish incite encourage persuade caution enjoin advise prod preach counsel prick propel bid goad insist entreat pressure plead prompt spur stimulate egg on call upon
Exhort antonyms
deter dissuade discourage answer leave alone
Usage of Exhort in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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