Exile meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Exile
As noun : अउलग Ex:  sita had gone to exile with ram and laxman.
उद्वासन देश निष्कासन Ex:  Ram was in exile for 1.years. उद्वासित करना Ex:  Joyce and Nora went into self-imposed exile औलग Ex:  The failure of the rebellion resulted in his exile to Yelang. देश निकाला Ex:  In the parts of the Tanakh prior to the Babylonian exile देशनिकाला देना Ex:  German Crown Prince from exile as destabilizing. निर्वासन Ex:  Haile Selassie fled into exile on May 2 उ:   कई लेखकों और कवियों को निर्वासन झेलना पड़ा। परबास Ex:  After the exile of Napoleon प्रवास Ex:  Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia spent the four years of his exile उ:   इस प्रवास के सटीक तिथियाँ अज्ञात हैं। मुसाफिरत Ex:  Following the Babylonian exile मुसाफिरी Ex:  Bergman said that despite being active during the exile वनचर्या Ex:  Bédié fled into exile in France. वनवास Ex:  Victor Hugo wrote some of his best-known works while in exile in Guernsey उ:   वनवास के समय, रावण ने सीता जी का हरण किया था। विलासकरण Ex:  But in 1987 the King was forced into exile after a falling out with the army.
As verb : देश से निकालना Ex:  During the Babylonian exile
Other : जलावतन Ex:  He was pardoned before the exile journey was complete. जलावतनी Ex:  The rebel government soon went into exile and never controlled the state. निर्वासित करना Ex:  For several centuries the British have used the island as a place of exile वन Ex:  His exile from Halicarnassus may also be fictional: later historians उ:   सिटी फॉरेस्ट की स्थापना वन विभाग द्वारा की गयी थी।
Exile ki paribhasha : apana ghar ya desh chhodkar doosare desh men rahana gaaanva, shahar ya desh aadi se dndsvaroop baahar nikaal dena basti chhodkar jngal men rahane ki vyavastha ya vidhaan
Exile synonyms
dispersion proscription exclusion displacement expulsion diaspora ostracism migration separation expatriation scattering extradition banishment relegation expatriate refugee fugitive outlaw outcast deportee ã©migrã© displaced person expellee nonperson dp person without country oust relegate extradite evacuate ostracize proscribe dispossess transport eject turn out drive out cast out expulse
Exile antonyms
inclusion welcoming permit welcome hold keep allow import take in
Usage of Exile in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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