Exorcise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Exorcise
As verb : अहुटानापु Ex:  A priest was called to exorcise the effect of ghost in the house.
ओझाई करना Ex:  Lyrics of Theology and ceremonies which are used to exorcise कड्ढना Ex:  Theology Whoever is entitled to exorcise कढ्डेरना काढना निकालना उ:   किन्तु सहप्रसरण के मान का अर्थ निकालना सरल नहीं है। निर्घातन फिटाना भगाना भूत भगाना व्यवाकृति समुत्सारण
Exorcise ki paribhasha : kisi ko bhaagane men pravratt karana
Exorcise synonyms
purge dismiss purify remove expel drive out cast out
Exorcise antonyms
welcome hold keep maintain
Usage of Exorcise in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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