Expel meaning in hindi
As verb : उद्वासन करना Ex: The OAU put pressure on us to expel the Libyans.
कड्ढना Ex: In order to expel them from the Zuurveld कढ्डेरना Ex: It is also possible for the House of Commons to expel a Member काढना Ex: The Mandubii decided to expel the women and children from the citadel निकाल बाहर करना Ex: It is also possible for the House of Commons to expel a member निकालना Ex: Syria joined the coalition to expel Saddam Hussein उ: कैदियों को यहां नारियल छीलकर उसमें से तेल निकालना पड़ता था। निर्घातन Ex: Action to expel निष्कासन करना Ex: Game balls, game that involves rolling the closest to balls purpose small ball and expel those opponents निष्कासित करना Ex: It also means, in terms of medicine, Action to expel feces व्यवाकृति
Other : बाहर निकालना Ex: It also works intransitively means and expel feces भगा देना Ex: Physiology of Movement by which Heart muscle fibers contract to expel the blood in the arteries
ExamplesExpel synonyms
dislodge evacuate remove exhaust ejaculate belch disgorge spew erupt vomit pass exude eruct get rid of drive out exudate irrupt blow out cast out oust suspend bar eject fire dismiss displace exile eliminate exclude evict proscribe blackball bust dispossess expatriate deport chase kick out send packing turn out drum out expulse give the boot give the hook give walking papers show the door throw out on ear Expel antonyms
permit welcome absorb admit take in allow hire include hold keep accept employ engage Usage of Expel in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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