Expense meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Expense
As noun : खपाव Ex:  at the expense of
लागत Ex:  This generally comes at the expense of Russian उ:   इसकी लागत १०० करोड़ आंकी गई है।
Other : खर्च Ex:  Designs and shields became more elaborate at the expense of clarity. उ:   इसका मुख्य खर्च सरकार उठाती है। खर्चा Ex:  Manuel spared no expense on the army उ:   इस कारण घर का खर्चा चलाने के लिए उसकी पत्नी नौकरी खोजती है। ख़र्च Ex:  It requires relatively little time and expense चट्टी Ex:  He maintains this view somewhat at his own expense व्यय Ex:  The expense to the Transportgruppen was heavy. उ:   सेना पर काफ़ी धन व्यय किया जाता था।
Expense ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth kaa, visheshataः dhan aadi kaa, is prakaar kaam men aana ki vah samaapt ho jaay vah kharch jo kisi chij ki taiyaari ya banaane men lage kisi kaam men kisi vastu ka lagana
Expense synonyms
loan rate insurance price tag sum investment charge risk liability expenditure obligation debt tariff mortgage loss outlay consumption budget value amount duty use forfeiture output deprivation sacrifice bite debit worth decrement disbursement overhead upkeep toll responsibility outdo assessment surcharge bottom line spending payroll out of pocket
Expense antonyms
asset irresponsibility
Usage of Expense in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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